

"Spiderlegs" is a font I designed while studying at University of Wisconsin - Green Bay. I've always enjoyed my own handwriting...and other people always comment on how much they love my handwriting and how jealous they are of it, so I tried creating a font like my handwriting and tweeked it here and there. The name came from the appearance of the letters...spiders have fat bodies and skinny legs...and "spiderlegs" was 'born'.

The Thirsty Soul is a Christian Book Store and Coffee Shop in Downtown Antigo, WI. I was soooo excited to be able to work on this logo for the owner while still in college. It was a great learning experience! I still occasional do posters and advertisements for The Thirsty Soul.

This is my newest business card based off a business card I designed for an identity project while I was in school. Ever since I was a child, I was always intrigued by Alice in Wonderland. I noticed as I got older I had this fascination with doors and old keys as well. When I was 10 years old, my family moved from one side of town to the other. The backyard at our new home was empty and filled with only grass and trees. My parents kept adding flower beds until the backyard was almost bursting at the seams with beauty and color. I often refer to the backyard as my own personal "Wonderland." My mother's flowers have inspired many projects and I'm sure they will inspire many more.

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